RATE CARD for the Ryan Place Newsletter

Please contact us about one of the following:

Go to "Donation" pay process for newsletter ad...

  • See below for HOW TO PLACE AN AD

Spaces may be limited in our print version; it's first come first served.

  • Ads are based on annual payments (see below).

  • Ad content, once paid for the year, may be modified or changed during the year for the next issue.

  • All ads must be paid for prior to print run.

  • Ads do NOT automatically renew for year to follow

  • Advertisers coming late in the year must pay out to finish the year, but based on the monthly prorata.
    (Contact us about cost or see below)


How to submit an ad:

  • Determine your ad size AND budget:
    Ads must be paid for - and run - during the current calendar year. Nine (9) issues comprise the full calendar year. Ads submitted late in the year can be paid for the issues remaining at a pro-rata cost.

  • To PAY: use the DONATION button above to pay online - or request an invoice…)

  • Ad cost = (annual cost/9) x remaining issues in calendar year) Art for ads must be submitted at the following sizes:

  • Business card $350/yr = 2”x 3-7/16” (horizontal only)

  • 1/4 page $650/yr = 4-7/8” x 3-7/16” (VERTICAL only!)

  • 1/2 page $1,250/yr = 5-1/8” x 7-5/16” (horizontal)

  • 1/2 page $1,250/yr = 9-3/4” x 3-7/16” (vertical)

  • Full page $2,000/yr = 9-1/2” x 7-5/16”
    (Full page back cover $2,500/yr)

    Artwork can be almost any graphic type EXCEPT GIF and in the RGB color space (PDFs, TIFFs, JPGs, PSDs, etc.).
    Resolution must be at 180ppi or higher at the sizes noted.

    Preferred resolution is 240-300ppi at the sizes noted above.

  • Submit art to mailto: chadandamy@algorhythm.agency
    (files should not exceed 15Mb in size)